Tuesday, February 16, 2010

the beginning (snow).

First of all, thank you for visiting my blog. Your interest in this endeavor is greatly appreciated. Secondly, please bear with me as I learn how to create an aesthetically pleasing blog that you will actually want to read!

As I sit at my desk in New Hampshire, and enjoy the view of spruce branches bending under the heavy weight of wet snow, I try to imagine what my new life will be like in Madagascar in just a couple weeks. For now, there are the simple pleasures of being home with family and enjoying the quiet solitude of a long walk in the snowy woods.

The frenetic packing and excitement and anticipation are just days away.


  1. Looks like you got the pic to work. Very exciting adventure you are about to experience!

  2. hey, nice job, this is exciting... oh, the different experiences you will have... the different person you will be at the end of this sojourn... and the 'many' faces this blog will take with each new update! congrats

  3. This is going to be an amazing adventure and I look forward to checking back here now and then to see what's going on over there. The most important thing about a blog is to keep it up (duh) even when you don't feel like you have anything particularly interesting to offer. Make it a snapshot and one sentence on those days. All good things to you Vanessa!

    x, Marion

  4. I look forward to vicariously enjoying your adventure...I hope this finds you well and grinning! Love and hugs, Rich

  5. Beautiful start V. I'm excited right along with you. A fabulous new adventure in the already quite adventurous life of Vanessa. I see glorius cinematic opportunities for you in the very near future. I look forward as well to reading your posts. Your descriptions of events and people w have always delighted me with your brilliant command of the English language..Now let's see how your Malagasy is!

  6. Hello Vanessa,

    A friend, Megan McClellan, posted a link to your blog on facebook today and I've just finished reading every single entry you've posted thus far! I'm fascinated by what you're doing and your accounts are so well-expressed, it's all so lovely.

    Looking forward to reading more, as it comes, and wishing you well on your extraordinary adventure.

    take good care, dear.

