A challenging day in my village is everyday; it takes an exceptional happening to really make me question my ability to stay. The last few days have proven to be some of my hardest yet.
To fully explain the situation that recently occurred, I must backtrack a little. For those of you who aren't familiar with the structure of Peace Corps Madagascar, each community, after submitting a formal written request for a volunteer, assigns a person who will work directly with the PCV during their two years of service. This person, called a "counterpart," can be a village president, director of a community, governmental or non-governmental organization, head of a school or business association, etc. The relationship established with your counterpart is a key component to integration into your community and as such, Peace Corps puts a lot of emphasis on ensuring the relationship is solid. Some counterparts speak a little French or English; often they are more educated and in some senses, more "westernized" in terms of work structure- familiar with concepts such as office space, regular work hours, mission statements and the like.
Not so much in my case, however. My counterpart, though a prominent community figure, builds houses or more accurately, huts, for a living. I work with no organization and have no specific job description, outside of the Peace Corps mission. And certainly, no office space. Nonetheless, my counterpart Pierre has been an incredible resource for me throughout the last eight months at site. Not only has he been available at all times to answer ever cultural question imaginable, he and his wife and five children have become a second family to me. (Some PCVs actually live with host families during their service, not so in Madagascar.) We've shared countless meals and laughter together daily, and I've been very blessed to have such a supportive home away from home. Sometimes Pierre has free time to help me with my work, which has largely consisted of building a tree nursery and growing nutritious Moringa trees, and educating women on their health benefits. When I want to feel like I'm contributing in some other way, I often go help Pierre build houses, pouring cement, breaking rocks or hauling buckets of water from the well.
In any case, that's a bit of the basic background of the Peace Corps counterpart.
Here's what just happened over the last few days.
Pierre is leaving my village, separating from his wife of fifteen years and planning on moving to America. This may not seem like much news to you, but in a village where roughly 1% of the population has ever even been to the capital city a mere 500 miles away, his leaving behind everything he's ever known and moving halfway around the world is... kind of a big deal.
But the real news is that he's not just moving away.
He plans to marry the volunteer that lived here before me, who left over two years ago. It turns out they had a secret affair during her service and have kept in touch this whole time, unbeknownst to me or to anyone else for that matter.
I'm uncertain what this all means for me in the immediate future. When I called my Peace Corps director, he was quite concerned about the impact this situation would have on my morale and the community; the cultural ramifications are vast and not something Peace Corps looks upon too keenly. It is one thing for a PCV to become romantically involved with a Host Country National (or HCN, yes there is an acronym for it in PC jargon) who is single or at least has been separated for some time from their partner. It is quite another to break up a family whose sole income is that of the father's; women here weave baskets for a measly supplemental income when they're not taking care of their children.
The enormity of problems this may potentially lead to for me has been overwhelming to think about. Other women may become quite distrustful of me. Men may think they can get a free ticket to America through me. My work may not be taken seriously, or become even less supported than it already is. The list of issues goes on and on. Because we are cultural ambassadors, PCVs do not just act as solo entities; we represent the entire American culture to a vastly undereducated people. As scary as it may seem to you, and certainly is to me, I am every American woman to every Malagasy person I meet.
In the midst of all of this, I feel sad about losing a work partner and friend in Pierre. Though it may be quite some time before he ever sets foot in America, the framework of our relationship has been irrevocably altered. It is hard enough to live halfway around the world with no friends and family nearby; as such, the relationships I've created in my village and with other PCVs have become important lifelines.
So, the last few days have certainly been challenging, with many more to come. I know that the Peace Corps experience is an intense two-year roller coaster ride without any viable exits. I have to believe that while I may want to give up and go home right now because everything seems more than I can handle, sticking it out may have greater rewards than I will ever know.
It's been difficult to write this blog, with many stops and starts and revisions as I struggle to say the right thing and not come off as too one-sided. I know that the previous volunteer and her family read this blog, as well as many more people from Madagascar and the Peace Corps community. I want to say that while this situation is complex, it is not entirely uncommon. People meet and fall in love everyday.
If you have any thoughts you'd like to share after reading this blog, I welcome you to leave a comment... and as always, thanks for your support!
Yeah, not feeling at "peace" for obvious reasons! It's clear you've thought a lot about the entire issue, and you've looked at it from all sides (or most- perhaps there are more yet hidden). I really like how you closed it with the roller coaster ride theory- you've been prepared for that.
ReplyDeleteThe issue of how Pierre's wife will support herself is large. It is something to think about, but You are not Responsible for finding the solution. Perhaps what you are responsible for is being true to yourself.... Perhaps ask yourself again why you came and connect deeply with that process. It may help you decide who you will be now and throughout the duration of your stay. Because who you are and continue to be, inside, and outside, is the example the Malagassy will be responding to in the long run. If it is other than that of the previous PCV all the better- you set yourself apart (in one way at least).
The universe gives us what we need when we need it, each in our individual fashion. Only in hind sight are most of these things understood. You will find the place you need to stand. I wish you well Vanessa.
What a difficult and uncomfortable situation! I can see where it might clearly prejudice local opinion regarding PCVs. Still, such things happen everywhere: the difference is when one or more of the people involved play such symbolic roles in the community. Then it is not merely a question of personal morals--it seems to put the whole mission or value system the people represent in question. Still, your only responsibility is to continue to work to assist the community while studiously avoiding too much interaction with married men. I think the Peace Corps was largely at fault in pairing a female volunteer with a married male counterpart. I speak from experience when I observe that the relationship between 'protegee' and 'mentor' often segues to something extracurricular.
ReplyDeleteWow, V. This certainly does make things a bit more complex. But all of these issues: how people will/do perceive you, the fate of this man's wife and Pierre himself, are out of your hands. You just can't control those things. What you can control are the choices and actions you carry out. It seems to me a time to be as strong as you can and represent Americans as best you can and I would think quitting your personal mission to be there would go against that. You're probably also experiencing the kind of misconceptions others have to deal with all the time - I know this doesn't make it any easier to deal with, but just think how much your empathy for discriminated people has grown!
ReplyDeleteHang in there, girl. And don't forget how much you are loved in the states!
Whoa! That is insane!!! Thinking of you and praying for you....even more. Want you to have peace in the midst of a crazy situation. Love you so much, lady. You are an incredibly strong woman.
That is really hard. I'm so sorry you are going through this. You are very kind in your words. I would want to punch the girl in the face who broke up this family (and the guy, I know it takes two). Good luck, and you CAN do this. Prayers and peace your way!
ReplyDeleteAm thinking tons of you. What an intense situation. I agree with Jess... remember that you are so loved. Your writing is amazing, by the way. What an incredible journey.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've observed, marriages which end this way weren't healthy to begin with. Maybe it's true love, or maybe he was looking for a way out and this way will do. Either way, don't let anyone intimidate you into being ashamed for someone who has nothing to do with your situation there. On the brighter side of it, my sister was a PCV in Ghana for three years and on Thursday is marrying the man she stayed the extra year for. 2 1/2 years worth of paperwork and interviews later...I suppose if they manage to wait that long for each other, it'll mean something.
ReplyDeleteJust hope for the understanding of your village and address each individual situation when you don't get it.
Love you,